What We Do
Graeme Preston made an impression on everyone he met. Courageous, compassionate, and caring to the end, he taught us that kindness is contagious. The Graeme Preston Foundation for Life was created to honor, celebrate and pass along Graeme's infectious, unflagging spirit.
The Graeme Preston Foundation supports individuals and groups who demonstrate and uphold the principles by which Graeme lived. From offering scholarships to deserving youth, to helping local families who have suffered an unexpected loss or hardship, we impact and enrich lives any way we can.

Thanks to the generous donations and support we have received from you, the Graeme Preston Foundation for Life has been able to grant over $500,000 to families and organizations in our communities! In addition to the financial assistance, we have also made an equally important impact through G'sLOV - Graeme's League of Volunteers. Click here to find out how we have been carrying out our mission of affecting lives in a postive, caring, and compassionate manner. Thank you for your continued support!
The Board

Left To Right: (Back Row): Ann Noble, John Dwyer, Patrick Preston, Lester Preston
(Front Row): Marie Mogilski, Anne Preston, Scott Preston Missing: Kylie Preston
Who We Are
Scott J. Preston
Self-employed Entrepreneur

BA in Political Science
NC Wesleyan

Anne Preston
Self-employed Entrepreneur
Corporate Maintenance

University of Maryland
Rutgers University
-Area of Study, Urban Planning

8th Grade Religious Education Teacher, St. Rose of Lima Parish

Teachers Assistant, Dwight D. Eisenhower School

Member of the PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization), Freehold Borough High School

Patrick R. Preston
CFM, Vice President/Sr. Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch

BS Management,
UNC Greensboro

Chairman of the Endowment Fund, Board of Directors - YMCA of Western Monmouth County

Lake Topanemus Park Commission

Lester Preston, Jr.
CPA, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer of D.L. Ryan Companies, Ltd.

BS in Accounting, Monmouth University

Past President, Freehold Fire Department Inc., Engine & Hose Company #1

Past Treasurer, Freehold Fire Department Inc.

Past Secretary, Freehold Fire Department Relief Association

Marie Fecsko Mogilski

Medical Technologist, Monmouth Medical Center

BS in Medical Technology, Rutgers University

Faculty Member, Monmouth Medical Center School of Technology

Member of the American Society for Clinical Pathology

8th Grade Religious Education Teacher and Special Projects Coordinator, St. Rose of Lima Parish

Member of the PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization), Freehold Borough High School
John Dwyer

Chief Financial Officer in charge of Finance and Administration

BA in English/Journalism,
University of Delaware

BS in Accounting, minor in Finance
St. Peter’s College

Volunteer, Court Appointed Special Advocate for foster children in Monmouth County
Ann L. Noble, CPA

President, Scibal Associates, Inc.

Career History:

Vice President of Workers’ Compensation, QualCare, Inc.

Vice President of Finance, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

Senior Manager, Ernst and Young

BS in Accounting, Seton Hall University

Treasurer, the Val Skinner Foundation

Member of the Seton Hall University Advisory Council

Member of the Executive Women of New Jersey

Past Member of the Board of Trustees, PHS Senior Living
© Copyright 2008 The Graeme Preston Foundation for Life / Email Us / Tel. 732-995-2880